Kristin Kreuk turned heads and impressed viewers in two popular television series: the teen drama Edgemont and Smallville, the WB show about Clark Kent's aka Superman's adolescent life. She also appeared in the 2007-released flick Partition alongside Neve Campbell and the 2009 movie Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li, in which she will play Chun Li. Check out her HD Wallpapers...
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Kristin Kreuk HQ Wallpapers
Kristin Kreuk turned heads and impressed viewers in two popular television series: the teen drama Edgemont and Smallville, the WB show about Clark Kent's aka Superman's adolescent life. She also appeared in the 2007-released flick Partition alongside Neve Campbell and the 2009 movie Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li, in which she will play Chun Li. Check out her HD Wallpapers...